Tuesday, September 29, 2009


So, weird. Anyways, after a long weekend of eating like crap..I fasted all day monday and for dinner had a mushroom onion and cheese omelette (max 400 cals). Today, I weighed myself and I'm at 165. But it's ok...cause I actually feel really good and I'm super motivated right now. Plus I'm PMSing (I can tell by my boobs). I don't actually get my period anymore..it goes on and off depending on my eating habits. It's been off for like 6 months now. But I still PMS...go figure. My boobs really hurt and I get horrible ugly skin and feel depressed and get bloated.
Anyways, since my PMS should be gone any day now, I"m already feeling great. I have 2 occasions to lose weight for.
This Sunday we have a dinner with my in-laws (future in-laws) and brother in-law (future)and the last time they saw me they had commented on the fact that I don't have any weight problems ..that I'm lucky...I never gain weight. I wish they would comment on the fact that I'm slim. I've lost 25 pounds since they've known me, but because I see them so often, they barely notice. Anyways, this Sunday, my goal is for them to notice! LOL. I know, I'm crazy! Since no scales allowed in the home (as per my man), I will weigh myself on Friday. I NEED to see 15-something. That I haven't seen in a REALLY LONG TIME! I know i'll be down to 161 by tommorow...cause of bloat..but I think 160 is my plateau. It's been years,....trust me! So..then...my next occasion is the following weekend..thanskgiving.
My whole family will be their! I want everyone to notice! yes..I think I'm an attention whore. It's ok..I'm not in denial.
So..I have my plan... I pretty much ran all summer. Every second day...for like an hour. That's what helped me lose weight. I've actually stopped for like a month now...so..this week..back to running AND diet. That should get me done for Friday.
My diet...which is 1200 calories. It may seem like alot to alot of you...but I am tall..I don't want to fuck up my metabolism and I run (which burns 450 every time) and I can sustain 1200 for like months...so it works for me..
Also..I a really great diet plan...if any of you would like. It works!
In the morning you can eat like up to 400 calories...but this is the only time when you can have high carb...but it HAS to be VERY HIGH FIBER.
Then lunch is a big salad...a fruit, some veggies, a sandwich (check your bread..looooow calories and high fiber...I use the sugar free, fat free, low calorie, high fiber bread) with low fat turkey and mustard.
Then dinner...make sure it is at least 5 hours before bedtime and no CARBS AT ALL.
I have my two all bran bars in the AM. One at 10am and one at 11am. They each have 4 grams of fiber...so they really curb any hunger. (260 calories in the AM)
Then, I have an energy drink (Monster Low-Carb -10cals)
lunch at 1pm. A yogurt. 30 cals (the one with no sugar), my special salad (1/2 tomatoe chopped, 1/4 red onion chopped, 1/2 cucumber chopped, 4 olives cut in half, and sundried tomatoe and basil salad dressing -low cal (45 cals per tsp) (salad total...I round up as much as possible of course -250)
A sandwich on this bread:

For 2 slices..it has 120 cals..and 3 grams of fiber...
Add to it some mustard (o cals) and schneiders low fat turkey 3 slices (50 cals) and good protein...and voila...there's lunch...and i'm full at the end of it! Then I have another Monster drink in the afternoon (10 cals)
Then dinner...well tonight...you bake spaghetti squash ..then string it out...so it's carb free noodles. 1 cup = 45 calories...and I might have 2 cups.
Then I add my lean ground beef spaghetti sauce...just for fun..we'll round it up as well ..300 cals.
So...In the end of the day...
I have eaten 1230 cals!
11 grams of fiber and more!
Veyr low fat!
VERY healthy and my metabolism is revving..
and I will run...so minus 450

my total then is 780 for the day!

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