Wednesday, November 11, 2009

good good

ok..running again today...i usually am against running daily...but this week is an exeption to make up for halloween.
Doing great still...a whole 3 days! Sounds kinda pathetic...doesn't it?
My fiance has urged me to see a psychologist. I am going. I think I'm going so I can get help with being anxious all the time.
My libido is's probably from my ED..which is what my man tells me...but I think it's cause I"m stressed. I'm stressed because we have two mortgages and are house poor. So who wouldn't be?
It's funny..cause the more I don't stress about what I'm going to eat...the less I think about food (duh!)...and the less I eat.
It's probably cause I'm not worried...cause it's VERY hard to gain weight when you're running. So..I'll continue the way I'm going this week..and weigh myself friday! fiance threw out my measuring tape! LOL I usually measure myself daily...and i guess he was actually monitoring the measuring tape..and noticed I use it he said he cut it up into little peice and threw it out~ will always expect the I'll be sure to not gain!
Why am I 26 and still obsessed with weight?>
When am I gonna grow up and be an adult?
I was watching Desperately hungry housewives on youtube..and I hope to god I don't end up an old ugly skinny bitch!

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