Thursday, October 15, 2009

back today

Well, I had a few days off. I did soooo incredibly well over the holiday and so well afterwards :) I don't want to weight myself until tommorow cause I want to see a huge number! I want to see like 158. I'd be happy. On Tuesday I didn't eat at work...meaning...the only time i ate tuesday was dinner...i had an omelette. Is it considered fasting if I don't eat all day then only eat dinner? Will I lose alot doing that, or will it just slow down my metabolism.
Today, so far..I've had this new kinda fibre's better than all has 5 grams instead of 4! And it tastes delicious!!! It has peanut butter on it!
So, i've had that - 150. I HAD to eat this peice of sweet bread (panatone or soemthing like it...the woman gave it to me and is like...i wanna see your reaction!) So, I ate the whole damn peice in front of was yummy! Anyways, After I ate it...I'm CERTAIN my blood sugar kicked in...cause I wanted to binge all day on sweets...and I almost said FUCK IT...but..guess what? something told me not to...just deal with it...and move on.. I think it was ana! So...I ate something bad...and I wasn't gonna dwell on it as usual. So, panatone..i'm gonna say 300 to be safe.
And I am eating 2 apples. 160.
So, so far for today... 610
dinner will be 2 eggs, with 1 ouz cheese and some onions and a tsp butter - 350

that's good for me :)

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