Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sick TodaY

Well, I have a cold. It's freezing out...but it's almost Friday :) I am so excited to see my whole family and have thanksgiving. I love when we have family get togethers! Anyways, I went running last night. I could only do throat was soooo dry!
This summer, I pretty much lost 12 pounds and looked ALOT slimmer by running and doing weights.
I would run every second day. I started with 1k, then 2k...and eventually every second day I would run 14km.
Then..with weights...I would do them every day..Legs/calves/ankles and stomach one day, then arms/shoulders/back and stomach the other day. Weights i'd do for approx 45 mins. So, always on nights I'd run...I would be doing my arms and abs for weights.
Anyways, this really got me into tip top shape.
I'll post a pic soon of myself.
I watched superisive vs. superskinny last night. It was a repeat! But, either way..we watched it. My b/f loves the show
He actually is over weight...but i find him dead he always compares us to them! lol!
The girl was SUPER skinny...but I was surprised her waist was 25inches..I know that's small..but she was also 5'4...I'm 5'11 and my waist is maybe I do have a small waist? It's weird...cause my waist does NOT look like hers..but it makes me wonder I actually crazy? Everyone tells me I am...and that I"m thin..but do you guys REALLY see fat? cause i do. I see cellulite...i pale fat thighs...a flabby belly...and all that.
On a good note...I have wicked nice ankles, wrists and collar bones. They are all really bony and stick out alot...but nicely.
Anwyays, I could relate to tiffany from superskinny...she is addicted to energy me. Anywyas, I love that show! The big guy on it...seemed sooo nice!!! I hope he find love one day...maybe if he loses some weight...he'd be good with Tiffany!
anwyays, it's my BFF's b-day tommorow night...I gotta get her something...i'm thinking of getting her a charm bracelet with a cheesy bff charm on it!

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