Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Well, My boyfriends ex-wife is pregnant with her new husband.
I don't know why ... but it upsets me...she's taking all the attention away. I know by b/f can't stand her...but he must be a bit upset that she's alreayd married and pregnant so fast. HE says...he really doesn't care...he just is worried that his kids..(the have 3 together) might not cope so well..
Anyways, I am fasting today. I don't know me weight...but I'm doign VERY well. Everyone has been bothering me to gain weight...and now that i HEARD THIS NEWS....which takes attention away from me...I will need to make up for it.
To be honest...the only thing that bothers me is that my in-laws are going to be horrified...THEY ALWAYS TALK ABOUT HER!!! This will just be more ammo for them and more to talk about her..now I get to never hear the end of her! They always say they love me sooo much and are sooo happy their son is with someone so amazing ...and blah blah blah...but then why do they always bring HER up?
I am soooo fucking tired of it.
sorry..I sound like a raging bitch..but it really sucks that she has to be a part of our life in the first place. and it's weird, cause my b/f can't stand her. It's like..the only reason I'm upset is cause his parents bring her up all the time...and I'm used to being totally adored by parents. EVERY single one of my boyfriends parents would go on and on and on about me...but not these people!
anyways...forget it...we have our life...and all is good. I want kids...but I don't want to rush...i'm only 26 and I don't need to get fat...

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