Wednesday, October 7, 2009

post #2 a second post...cause I have all of you on my mind. I have a this normal? Or just extremely vain... One of my goals is for my in-laws to notice my weight loss. I want them to tell me I'm too thin! My parents do and my brother always does...but I want them too! The reason is...cause they think I have no weight problem whatsoever..i just eat what i want and never gain weight. Which is kind of true...BUT...they noticed their ex-daughter in law...and she used to be really fat and would lose alot of weight...then gain it they have mentioned that she drops weight like THAT (snap fingers) but then gains it all back. I obviosuly never want to be fat at all. And god forbid they should ever see me chunky...but I want them to think I'm skinny. NOT NORMAL!
wow...I guess I answered my own question....
I'm an attention whore...
I just love being noticed.
Do you?

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