Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Every day I come to work and count the days till friday. 3 more to go after today. I hate my job :( Sometimes I love it, but it general I just want a new job. My FIANCÉ (yay) and I read our chinese astrology forecasts last night. I'm a pig (go figure) and he's a rat and lately things have been sooo tight in the money dept. We have 2 homes to pay mortgages on (our cottage and our city house) and it's just soooo tight. I literally cannot shop anymore. I usually would order a pair or two of shoes online from aldo a month and buy nice clothes, but we really can't afford it right now..but it's ok...cause it will get better...at some point in our lives, I think we're all house poor.
Anwyays, I was good all day...then got home and ate bad stuff. If I get my period this month...it would be in like 3 days... so I'm really hoping this out of control depressive behaviour is PMS related. I'm a complete mess.
I'm excited to get married...we're going to do it in Cuba on the beach :) yay!
Please god...let me not eat much today.
I didn't bring a lunch...only protein power (the carb free kind)
If I have two shakes today...that would be optimal!
1 shake - 110 cals plus 100 cals in milk and 50 cals in honey. - 250 each

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