Wednesday, October 7, 2009

crappy rainy day

Ok, so I am officially depressed today :( I hate this weather and I'm starting to hate my job. I am going to eat very little today...I purposely didn't bring much of a lunch. I will have my usual coffees/monsters. I will have this nut bar I bought (210)...2 yogurts (80) and 2 apples (160)..
Let's round up and say 500 calories for the day.
Tommorow I will be 160.
Oh cool...I just added one of those weight ticker thingies! I put in the weight I once was a year or two back...and the weight i'd like to be...125..
I have been 117 before. But 125 is good for me.
So, my BMI right now is 22.7 BLEH! To be underweight...i need to be 135. And once I reach BMI will be 17. I like that. I wonder what my waist will be. It is currently 28. Do you guys take your measurements as well? I do every morning! I only check my waist and hips though. W: 28 H:39 --> GOAL W:26 H:36

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